Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Are You Sad?

Every time something is brought up about my son who will be graduating from high school in 16 days the next thing someone ask is "are you sad?" I understand why they ask the question, I really do.  My answer is no. How can I be sad? Yes time is flying by. Yes it only seems like yesterday that he had his binky and mr bear. Yes it only seems like yesterday when I was taking him to his first baseball practice. But am I sad? No. I can not be sad. My son Preston has worked so hard on and off the field. He has earned every scholarship by staying focused and working hard over the years. He actually had someone tell him 4 years ago that he would never play high school or college ball and to give up his dream. He did play high school baseball and played it well. He has signed to play at the college level. So I am not sad, but proud. Yes, I cried at his last high school baseball game. Yes, I cried at his senior speech. Yes, I will cry at his graduation. These are tears of a mom being proud. Yes the first night I go to kiss him good night and I realize he is in the dorm I will probably cry...ok, I WILL cry. Again, tears of happiness that my son has accomplished his dreams at this point. That he is moving on to that next chapter of his life, the next phase of his journey. I can not wait to see what all he will accomplish, what all he will experience.
My kids are grounded Christian young men. They are human, they will stumble and they will fall. I am blessed to be their mom and will be there for them on any level they need me to be. They are both growing up and moving on through the chapters of their lives. They are  learning a lot of life's lessons along the way,they are also teaching me some life lessons as well. Life is going to happen no matter my emotion, sad, happy, mad or proud. I am going to try and just focus on the proud emotion that I feel about my children and stay away from the sad one.
So am I sad? I choose no...I choose proud.

"men are what their mothers made them" Ralph Waldo Emerson